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A MEssage from Our Principal

    Dear AVMS Community,

    On April 3, 2024, we gathered to celebrate the remarkable achievements of our students at the Eagles of Excellence Awards Celebration. It was a joyous occasion, with over 60 parents, grandparents, guardians, and siblings joining us to honor our outstanding students.

    At AVMS, we emphasize the importance of embodying SOAR principles: Safe, Open Minded, Accountable, and Responsible behaviors. Thus, it was a privilege to recognize students who exemplified these qualities through our S.O.A.R. awards. These nominations, made by our dedicated teachers, highlighted the exceptional character and conduct of our students.

    In addition to recognizing character, we celebrated athletic prowess, academic excellence, and growth over time. Our students in boys soccer and girls basketball were commended by their coaches for their dedication and skill. Academic achievements were also lauded, with students earning a place on the AB Honor Roll for maintaining excellent grades throughout the quarter. Furthermore, we celebrated those who achieved straight As, an impressive feat attained by a select group of students.

    Equally important to us is the journey of growth and progress that our students undertake. We track this growth through benchmark assessments, administered three times yearly. It was heartening to see numerous students meeting or exceeding growth targets in ELA, math, or science, demonstrating their commitment to continuous improvement.

    This year, we introduced a new accolade to honor students who excelled in their AASA state testing last school year. Recognizing the dedication and achievement required to attain proficiency or high proficiency levels, we awarded certificates and plaques to deserving students. One exceptional student even received a trophy for scoring highly proficient in both ELA and math—a truly remarkable accomplishment.

    In celebrating our students' achievements, we not only applaud their individual successes but also foster a culture of excellence and support within our school community.   

    6th grade group 7th grade group 8th grade group Highly proficient group

    In the spirit of keeping things light and fun, I wanted to share a delightful initiative our teachers and staff undertook to uplift our students ahead of their state testing.

    To inject some excitement and levity into the atmosphere, our dedicated educators decided to greet students at the buses wearing an array of inflatable costumes. From towering dinosaurs to whimsical aliens, our staff transformed into colorful characters, spreading smiles and laughter throughout the school grounds.

    This playful gesture served as a gentle reminder to our students that while assessments are indeed important, it's equally vital to approach them with a relaxed and positive mindset. By creating a jovial atmosphere, our teachers and staff effectively conveyed the message that maintaining a sense of ease and enjoyment can greatly aid in maintaining focus and composure during testing periods.

    The sight of our amazing teachers and staff decked out in inflatable attire undoubtedly lifted spirits and set a cheerful tone for the day ahead. It is gestures like these that truly exemplify the warmth, creativity, and dedication of our AVMS community.


    Shelly Camp

    Shelly Camp
    (520) 822-9343